Prospero Zambia
Prospero has worked for several years to facilitate development of a more formalised and commercial artisanal and natural products (ANP) sector in Zambia, particularly oriented toward improving export capabilities for the global home décor industry. Through a variety of intervention mechanisms, a number of Zambian MSMEs are now regularly exporting artisanal products. The overall number of artisanal MSMEs has grown, the quality of these firms’ products and designs have improved, commercial capabilities’ have increased, and the sector – and the economic benefits that it brings – has expanded.
While Prospero has some quantitative evidence that our interventions have yielded results – particularly within individual MSMEs – we would like a deeper, more comprehensive and external view of the impact that have facilitated, particularly with regard to wider sector growth, the mediumto-long term impact of our interventions, and industry scale and investment potential.
The overall objective for this assignment is to assess the outcomes and impact of Prospero’s engagement with the Zambian artisanal and natural products sector. Specifically, Prospero would like to develop a deeper understanding of how our inputs in the form of co-investment grants, direct linkages to buyers and markets, research, advocacy and general direct support activities have impacted the Zambian artisanal sector.
While Prospero has the primary M&E data from the specific activities supported, a more detailed view of the mid-to-long term changes of the interventions is desired along with data driven insights on the critical success factors that are needed to sustain growth and continued development of the ANP sector. Key questions to answered by the assignment include but are not limited to:
• To what extent has Prospero engagement in the ANP sector impacted the overall sector value chain? In which ways, and in what areas?
• To what extent has Prospero’s engagement in the ANP sector resulted in strategic or operational considerations and/or changes for target groups (primarily MSMEs)? Key reflections could include, but should not limited to, emergence of new entrants, business model adaption, collaboration and development of new distribution channels, etc.
• To what extent has Prospero engagement in the ANP sector resulted in improved capacities of businesses involved in the sector? Key considerations could include, but should not be limited to, production capacity, improved financial management, innovation in design, export and/or investment readiness, etc.
• To what extent has Prospero engagement in the ANP sector changed the perception or reality of Zambia as a source market for artisanal and natural products?
• Have there been any unexpected outcome-level results beyond achieving the intended initiative outcome?
• What are the key opportunities or recommendations for Prospero to scale impact of its engagement in the ANP sector?
The successful consultant/firm will undertake both desk and field-based research and use an approach that takes into account the relationship between Prospero partner-grantees, wider ANP sector businesses and stakeholders, and their local and regional operating context. The expected level of input is approximately 25-35 technical assistance days spread over a three (03) month period.
Required/desirable experience
A wide range of potential service providers are encouraged to apply, including individual consultants, consultancy and advisory firms and private sector actors that fit the following profile:
• Significant professional experience in facilitating or supporting SMEs in the artisanal handicraft or biotrade sector or similar sectors, especially in Africa.
• Experience in conducting project/programme impact evaluations for private sector/MSME development, preferably at the regional level.
• Familiarity with regional and international trends in the artisanal and natural products sector
• Experience in similar assignments is preferred.
Proposal submission guidelines
Parties intending to submit a proposal may request clarifications to the assignment terms of reference at any point up to seven days before the deadline for submission given below. Questions should be directed to [email protected].
Potential service providers are required to submit proposals for this assignment comprising:
• Technical proposal (no more than 5 pages) comprising:
- Individual/corporate profile, highlighting relevant experience with specific references to past assignments
- Understanding of the assignment and any comments on the objectives, scope of work or deliverables
- Methodology to deliver against the assignment objectives
- Roles and names of key personnel
- Curriculum vitae for key personnel named in the proposal (no more than 2 pages per person)
- Financial proposal (in a MS Excel compatible spreadsheet) showing:
- Fees: Names and roles of individuals, number of days input, daily fee rates and total cost, gross of all taxes. Prospero will withhold and remit 15% of each invoice’s consultant fees to ZRA as per labour law for Zambian-registered firms/individuals. 20% for non-Zambian registered firms/individuals).
- Reimbursable expenses budget: Items of expenditure, definition of units, number of units required, maximum cost per unit, and maximum budget for each item of expenditure (Note: expenses will be reimbursed at cost, up to the maximum cost in the budget)
- Proposed payment schedule: Payments on contracting, inputs and deliverables e advised that financial proposals will be very closely reviewed for competitiveness. Prospero may reject any proposal that does not comply with the required format at its sole discretion.
How to apply
Potential service providers should submit their proposal electronically to: Submission email address [email protected] Deadline for submission 17:00hrs on 24th April 2022 Prospero reserves the right to amend, extend or cancel this request for proposals at any stage. The costs of preparing proposals is entirely on the account of the organisation preparing the proposal.