Pan American Development Foundation
Terms of Reference
Review and analysis of the content of the curricula of the National Police College of Jamaica and recommendations for its strengthening
1. Background and Justification
The Regional Caribbean Police Professionalization (RCPP) Project, funded by the U.S. Department of State – Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) and implemented by the Pan American Development foundation, is aimed at strengthening the capacity of police officers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). The Project is also geared towards improving the level of trust and relationship that exists between the Jamaican police and local communities.
The RCCP Project was started in September 2021 and continues to be implemented in Jamaica and other Caribbean countries.
Recognising the gains that can be achieved through the RCCP Project, PADF/INL is seeking to recruit a short-term consultant who will be required to undertake the review of the JCF National Police College of Jamaica’s (NPCJ) curricula. The review of the NPCJ curricula will include the updating and modernization of the documents which are intended to provide support in the strengthening of the educational and operational capacities of the police and to facilitate the Police College’s achievement of the IADLEST international police accreditation, through the standardization of institutional practices.
2. Objectives
General Objective: To ensure that the Jamaica Constabulary Force National Police College of Jamaica, which has campuses in four locations, has updated curricula which are complete, relevant, and are supported by modern training courses and materials.
Specific Objectives:
These include the following:
- To review and analyze the Basic Training, Intermediate Training and Internship Training curricula of the National Police College of Jamaica.
- To strengthen the curricula of the National Police College of Jamaica by incorporating feedback and suggestions received from key stakeholders.
- To propose recommendations for improvement of the curricula based on international best practices.
3. Scope of Work
Given the mandate to strengthen the educational capacities of NPCJ, this consultancy entitled the “Review and analysis of content of the curricula of the National Police College of Jamaica and the elaboration of recommendations for its strengthening” will include the following tasks:
- Revision of the existing NPCJ curricula
- Using international best practices in police education and the IADLEST minimum accreditation standards of police academies, analyse the existing NPCJ curricula to identify where there are gaps in the existing courses and curricula
- Organizing and convening stakeholder consultations, focus group sessions, and interviews to get the views and perspectives on the existing NPCJ curricula
- Incorporating suggestions given regarding the updating of the National Police College’s curricula
- Ensuring that recommendations given to update the core curricula include practical skills as well as the subject matter content, concepts, and topics necessary for the effective training of newly recruited personnel
- Presenting the draft final report to the management team of the National Police College of Jamaica
- Finalising and submission of the final report (extended and executive summary) along with the updated curricula
4. Expected Outputs
The following are the expected deliverables and outputs:
- Inception report detailing the workplan for this assignment including the approach to facilitate consultations with key stakeholders, focus groups, interviews, collection of data using online platforms
- Full Report from consultations, online platform, focus groups and interviews
- Revised National Police College Curricula based on review and consultations had with key stakeholders
- Final updated National Police College of Jamaica Curricula
5. Required Qualifications
- Researcher, study center or organization with at least seven (7) years of experience in pedagogy, curriculum design and development or adult training methodologies.
- At least seven (7) years of experience in police education, citizen security, human rights, and justice.
- Prowess in generating evidence-based studies, technical or research reports.
- Previous experience with police colleges/academies is preferred.
- Individuals or organizations can apply for this consultancy.
- Fluency in English is required.
6. Term of the contract
The consultancy is expected to span the period March to June 2023. This deadline will be subject to schedule development.
7. Payment method
The corresponding disbursements will be made against delivery of the required products once approved by the project team.
Activity 1:
Review and content analysis of the National Police College Basic Training, Intermediate Training and Internship Training curricula
Activity 2:
Identification and analysis of gaps in courses and curricula based on international best practices in police education and the minimum accreditation standards of police academies of IADLEST.
Products 1&2:
1 and 2. Review report, content analysis of the courses and Basic Training, Intermediate Training and Internship Training curricula of the NPCJ including the identification of gaps in the lesson plans based on international best practices.
30% of the total amount including taxes.
Activity 3:
Making recommendations and suggestions for strengthening the curricula and courses, including a proposal to update the Basic Training, Intermediate Training and Internship Training.
Product 3:
Report with recommendations and suggestions for strengthening plans, with the proposal of 2 curricula included.
Payment 2:
30% of the total amount including taxes
Activity 4:
Presentation and delivery of final report (extended and executive summary) for validation by the management team of the National Police College of Jamaica.
Product 4:
Final report (extended and executive) and presentation to the team of the Police Institute of Education.
Payment 3:
40% of the total amount including taxes
8. Associated expenses
The expenses corresponding to food, lodging or transfers derived from trips to territory will be covered by the project, if necessary.
9. Intellectual property and confidentiality clause
Any type of publication, disclosure, or commercialization of the product object of this contract is prohibited, since it will be understood that it will become the property of PADF.
In the same way, the applicant will sign a confidentiality clause and a non-disclosure agreement regarding all the information that he or she has access to due to the contract, as well as the content of the meetings he or she attends.
10. Proposal documents to include
Interested persons or study centers, please send your proposal to [email protected] with the following documents:
- CV / Experience of the person or organization, indicating past experience with similar projects, and at least three (3) job references.
- Technical proposal containing the tentative work plan and work methodology.
- Financial proposal indicating the total price of the contract, all inclusive, supported by a breakdown of expenses.
11. Submission Details
- This call will be open until March 24, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Jamaica time. For more information direct your inquiries to [email protected]
- Proposals must be emailed to [email protected]
- All proposals must be submitted following the guidelines indicated in these Terms of Reference.
- Validity of the offer: 120 days from the submission deadline.
- Modifications: At any time before the deadline for submission of proposals, PADF may, for any reason, modify the Terms of Reference document by means of an amendment that will be published on the PADF website and/or communicated by email.
12. Terms and conditions
Resulting Award
This TOR does not oblige PADF to execute a contract, nor does it commit PADF to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of the proposals. Furthermore, PADF reserves the right to reject all offers, if such action is in the best interest of PADF. PADF will, in its sole discretion, select the winning proposal and is not obligated to share individual evaluation results.
All proprietary information provided by the bidder shall be treated as confidential and will not be shared with potential or actual applicants during the solicitation process. This includes but is not limited to price quotations, cost proposals and technical proposals. PADF may, but is not obliged to, post procurement awards on its public website after the solicitation process has concluded, and the contract has been awarded. PADF’s evaluation results are confidential and applicant scoring will not be shared among bidders.
13. More by PADF
PADF is an independent non-profit organization established by the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1962.
PADF’s core values are “H-E-A-R-T” = Honesty, Excellence, Responsibility, Respect, and Teamwork.
PADF is strong because we are diverse. We actively seek a diverse pool of candidates and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply. PADF does not discriminate on the basis of ability, age, gender, identity and expression, national origin, race and ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or criminal record. We welcome all kinds of diversity. Our employees include people with or without sons or daughters, self-taught and college-educated, as well as from a wide range of cultures, languages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and world perspectives.
How to apply
This call will be open until March 24, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Jamaica time. Proposals must be emailed to [email protected]
For additional information, please visit: https://www.padf.org/procurement-opportunities/
Deadline: 24 Mar 2023