Start Network
Start Network is a global membership of more than 50 organisations, working across 6 continents, to tackle what it sees as the biggest systemic problems in the humanitarian system.
The current global system is not accountable to people affected by crises.
Problems we’re addressing:
- Decision-making is centralised, and priorities are disconnected from the end-user.
- It is reactive, fragmented, and inefficient.
- The humanitarian system’s incentives and ways of working are outdated, inflexible, and resistant to change.
Start Network’s vision is for a locally led humanitarian system that is accountable to people affected by and at risk of crises. We aim to achieve this vision by making systemic-level shifts in the way humanitarian assistance is approached and delivered by:
- Shifting power and decentralising decision making to locally led networks and organisations.
- Creating a global financing system that reduces risk, anticipates, and acts ahead of predictable crises.
- Incentivising and informing innovative, contextual, and sustainable solutions for people affected by crises.
The Start Fund is one of Start Network’s funding mechanisms, focusing on unpredictable, under-the-radar humanitarian crises. The Start Fund is collectively owned and managed by Start Network’s member organisations. Projects are chosen by local committees, made up of staff from Start Network members and their partners, within 72 hours of an alert. This makes the Start Fund the fastest, collectively-owned, early response mechanism in the world.
Start Fund has responded to over 15 crises in South Sudan since its inception in 2014. Most recently, an alert was raised to respond to displacement resulting from conflict in Leer County, Unity State of South Sudan.
The internally displaced people (IDPs) have been forced to relocate to Fangak County and others. On the 28th of March 2022, tension erupted between the different warring parties in the Counties of Leer, Koch, and Mayendit Counties of Unity State. The tension has resulted in serious fighting from the second week of April. The influx of IDPs into Fangak county as a result of an outpouring in fighting in Leer this month has resulted in widespread devastation, with numerous people reported killed, wounded, women abducted and assaulted; homes burned, and properties looted. Thousands of cattle were reportedly raided, and markets, homes, and humanitarian facilities and warehouses looted and burnt down.
Start Network would like to produce 2 videos with a focus on the above crisis and Start Fund’s unique niche.
We are looking for an in-country based video production agency or freelancer to develop 2 high resolution videos that highlight Start Fund’s initiatives in South Sudan. Below are the outputs we are seeking:
- One 5-minute video feature of the ongoing crisis response (incorporating community-centred talking head interviews, B-Roll footage, English Subtitles, On-Brand Lower Thirds and Motion Graphics)
- One 3-minute video summary of Start Fund’s niche (incorporating community-centred talking head interviews, B-Roll footage, English Subtitles, On-Brand Lower Thirds and Motion Graphics)
- Relevant photographs of video participants, community members and scenery/environment (Respectful; always keeping in mind the agency, dignity and collective power of communities)
- Signed consent forms (for both video and photography)
- High quality sound recording (using lapel mics and boom mics where appropriate)
- Backing soundtrack with copyright permissions for commercial use
- All raw footage for our archives
Additional Details:
- The 5-minute video should focus on the crisis itself and the specific ways that we are responding to that crisis. The target audience for this video will be donors that already have an understanding of Start Network and the Start Fund. Therefore, the video should focus more on the programme interventions specifically and the impact that these allow us to make with communities affected by crisis.
- The 3-minute video should use the above crisis response as a case study to articulate the Start Fund niche. The target audience for this video will be people who don’t have prior knowledge of the Start Fund, so it should explain the Start Fund niche and how this niche allows us to fill a gap in the current humanitarian system.
- Whether applications are made from freelancers or agencies, the applicant/s should be able to provide interviewing, sound recording, translation and interpretation, editing and sound mixing, photography, subtitling as well as project management to ensure informed consent is provided and consent forms are signed allowing filming and photography.
- Minorities and community based individuals/collectives are particularly encouraged to apply.
How to apply
Submit your application to [email protected] by 22 May 2022 19:00h BST. Your application should include your CVs/Resumes of applicants, a portfolio with example(s) of previous videos you have developed and your availability from 23 May 2022 to 12 June 2022, which is the deadline to have finalised the videos.
Production Timeline:
Content Gathering: 25 May 2022 to 7 June 2022
Editing and Feedback: 8 June 2022 to 12 June 2022
Delivery of Final Videos and Other Outputs: 13 June 2022