To Produce Audiovisual Content-Videos/Photos-Solidaridad Africa-Syngenta Partnership Activities in Three Counties (Nakuru, Nyandarua and Kirinyaga)

  • Contract
  • Kenya
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Salary: TBD

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

Solidaridad East & Central Africa


Solidaridad is an international solution-oriented civil society organization working through eight regional expertise centers to transform markets to make them more sustainable and inclusive. Our eight regional expertise centers include Asia, Eastern and Central Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southern Africa, South America, West Africa and our global Secretariat in the Netherlands. Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa, one of the regional centers, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with country offices and programmes in Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. We bring together supply chain players and engage them with innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximizes the benefit for all. We facilitate strengthening of local capacity in developing countries, support the creation of enabling environments for economies to thrive, and improve market access.

The Horticulture For Growth Project (H4G)

Horticulture For Growth: Promoting Horticulture Enterprise Development in Kenya (H4G project) is a three year project, implemented in seven Counties in Kenya. The project aims to improve the livelihoods (food security and income), resilience and business case development of 30,000 horticulture smallholder farming households in Kenya.

H4G project will promote improved horticultural crop production technologies for sustainable production where an elaborate extension system involving face-to-face and digitized approaches will be put in place to disseminate climate-smart and production technologies. The project interventions aim to increase productivity for smallholder horticulture products through promotion of good agricultural practices, access to finance and quality farm inputs and services, market access and enabling policy environment.

H4G will train targeted farmers on the judicious use of pesticides and agronomic practices, and spray service providers to offer spray services to farmers. These interventions are envisaged to enhance food safety for consumers, health and safety of producers as well as generate income for spray service providers. Farmers will be organized into marketing organizations to coordinate production and marketing processes. The project will train farmers on climate-smart horticulture practices and link them with soil testing services to enhance their resilience to climate change and enhance their understanding of the status of their soils. H4G will also facilitate the implementation of production protocols to improve farmers’ understanding of management protocols and improve productivity in the targeted value chains.

H4G will offer GLOBALGAP training, as part of addressing consumer mistrust on vegetable and fruit products, especially with regards to food safety. The project will also improve farmers’ access to finance and capacitate them through financial literacy and business plan development training. In addition, the project will improve partnership, collaboration, through establishment of a joint lobbying and advocacy platform for enabling a policy environment. These interventions will form the basis for diversification of livelihoods, incomes and food security in the regions.

The main aim of the project is to improve livelihoods (food security and income), resilience and business case development of 30,000 horticulture smallholder farming households in Kenya.

Strategic objectives include:

  • Improved climate-smart agriculture horticulture smallholder households in Kenya resulting in better harvests (yield and quality) and knowledge in safe use of crop protection technology and soil management practices.
  • Improved access to affordable financing packages for 2,000 horticulture smallholder farmers.
  • Horticulture smallholder farmers have improved access to quality farm inputs and services.
  • New trade models are developed and tested that guarantee horticulture farmers in Kenya, access to markets and better prices for their produce.
  • An enabling policy environment that allows smallholder farmers access to equitable benefits from the horticulture value chain.

The main purpose of this assignment is to produce audiovisual materials to communicate the Horticulture For Growth Project interventions and impact on smallholder farmers and communities. This production will follow a number of project participants (farmers, ToTs, Lead farmers etc.) over the course of the Horticulture for Growth (H4G) life through a series of videos. These audiovisual materials will be taken at the beginning of training, at a mid-point and nearing the end of the training and used to showcase the incremental development and impact resulting from the project trainings and promoted solutions specifically, capacity building for (and linkages), access to finance, sustainable land management and adoption of climate-resilient agricultural practices.

This will be achieved through the following assignment objectives:

  1. Produce SIX (6) high-quality video clips (3 – 5 minutes) in line with the documentation plan to be provided to successful consultant;
  2. Word document with all the powerful statements/quotes (at least one caption/powerful statement per interviewee) captured during the interviews.
  3. Produce at least 200 to high-resolution images (individual and group photos) that:
  • Show the life and living circumstances of the beneficiary; and,
  • Show their activities as follows:
  • Close-up portrait
  • Medium or full-length shots of the beneficiary on their field or in front of their house
  • Current challenges and efforts to mitigate and/or adapt to their effects
  • If possible, some playful, fun photos. People hugging, giving high fives, showing their farm produce in the air, etc.

The audiovisual material will be used in different ways:

  1. On a website
  2. On the social media channels of Solidaridad, and Syngenta.
  3. In promotional emails
  4. Possible print magazines (photos)

Assignment Locations:

  1. Nakuru County (2)
  • Solai in Bahati
  • Keringet in Kuresoi South
  1. Nyandarua County (2)
  • Kirimangai in Oljororok
  • Munyaka-Engineer in Kinangop
  1. Kirinyaga County (2)
  • Difathas- Mwea East
  • Difathas- Mwea East


  1. Five (6) high-quality video clips (3-4 minutes) highlighting individual interviews for broadcast and non-broadcast; according to the Solidaridad videography guidelines
  2. A minimum of 100 high-resolution photographs, edited (post-processed), tagged, and captioned according to the Solidaridad photography guidelines;
  3. Word document with all the powerful statements/quotes (at least one caption/powerful statement per interviewee) captured during the interviews.

All photography should adhere to the Solidaridad photography guidelines and brand manual that will be provided to the photographer.

Target Audiences: Potential Donors, Partners and Corporates

All videos will target diverse audiences including corporates and public sector and will be disseminated through multiple media including social media – LinkedIn – and the Solidaridad Network website (potentially to be replicated on the Syngenta website and social channels). The goal is to showcase the progress of the project in Kenya, highlighting the need for such projects, the impact of the partnership, as a means of interesting potential donors and partners for an expansion of the programme in the region.

Key themes to touch on are food security, food safety and job creation, as well as the safe use of pesticides.




One (1) 2-4 minutes video introducing some of the farmers (a mix of men and women of different ages) and trainers involved in the H4G project, asking them for information on their background, the challenges they face, and what they hope to get from this project. A Solidaridad expert should be featured to share brief insights on the scientific/technical aspects of the project’s contribution to food safety in balance with nature.

  • Include footage of some of the initial training, as well as footage or images from participating farms.
  • For this, interview at least a few participants so as to have enough footage to select from as we are developing the story.
  • In addition to questions about finance and challenges farmers should be asked about why they use pesticides, where they get them from and how they use them.
  • Farmers should be asked about how they feel personally about using pesticides and the risks to health and nature.
  • Experts should provide context about pesticide use in Kenyan farming, and the problems with the informal market, over usage and food poisoning. This is PHASE I – March-April 2023

One (1) 2-4 minutes video checking in with the same farmers and trainers at the midpoint of the project, asking about impacts, lessons learned, and their feelings about the future, progress so far. An expert should be featured to give a to share brief insights into the scientific/technical aspects of the project’s contribution to food safety in balance with nature.

  • Farmers should be asked how the project has helped them reduce their use of pesticides through training, and how they are beginning to use them in a more responsible fashion. This is PHASE II – March-April 2024

Two (2) 2-4 minutes of the same farmers at the end of the project, reflecting on the project as a whole, its impacts, their hopes for the future, and the direct ask to potential public and private donors to support projects like this to help farmers and the environment. An expert should be featured to give a to share brief insights into the scientific/technical aspects of the project’s contribution to food safety in balance with nature.

  • Farmers should be asked how the project has changed their use of pesticides and how it will change how they operate in the future.
  • Experts should forecast the long term impact of the reduction. This is PHASE III – August-September 2024

Using the content taken during all three visits, compile one (1) 2-4 minutes video, showcasing the course of the entire project, should be compiled, with a narrative focused on the impact of the project from day one until its completion. Content from the first three videos should be utilized to create a narrative timeline. Emphasis should be placed on the importance of job security and job creation in ensuring food security and food safety. Focused on the same farmers, this video will focus on the financial and health concerns of farmers, and how this contributes to unsustainable practices. Experts will provide context, informing the audience on how the project aims to embed sustainability by developing more profitable and reliable business opportunities – August-September 2024

Using the content from the three visits, produce one (1) 2-4 minutes video focusing on the overall change in pesticide use throughout the project, focusing on the initial stage by farmers towards the reduction that was enabled by the project training and support. The expert videos (taken in session one) will provide context, but the goal, as with the three prior videos, is to have the farmers themselves explain why they use pesticides, the risks, and how this project has made it safer and more sustainable. This video should also include interviews with the project trained pesticide sprayers and the farmers who they work with. Experts will be interviewed to provide deeper insights on the environmental and social impacts of this intervention. The goal is to show how the introduction of professional sprayers reduces the amount of pesticides used and makes it safer for people and the environment and contributes to a more stable food system. PHASE III – August-September 2024


Capture high-res pictures of all interviewees for use in marketing. Photos of different parts of the production and processing.

  • Close-up portrait of the farmer on his farm
  • Medium or full-length shots of the farmer on his field and in front of his house

If possible, some playful, fun photos. People hugging, giving high fives, showing the product in the air, etc.

  • The farmer working the field – ALL PHASES

NOTE: The final story concept will be co-developed by Solidaridad and the selected videographer/storyteller.


Please deliver this video in four (4) formats:

  • Landscape format, with English subtitles
  • Landscape format, without subtitles
  • Social media format [LinkedIn and Facebook] 1080*1350, with English subtitles
  • Social media format 1080*1350, without subtitles

In all formats a small Solidaridad logo should be shown in the upper right corner. The materials should adhere to the Solidaridad guidelines.


The photographer/videographer will seek verbal and written consent prior to taking pictures/videos. Verbal consent is sufficient, but especially if you portray people in more detail, or if photos accompany interviews, we recommend to use written consent forms.


The assignment is for a fixed period of 15 days:

  • Two (2) days for pre-production and logistical preparations
  • Five (8) days for photography/videography in the locations listed in section 2 of this TOR
  • Eight (8) days for post-production writing, editing, etc.

Assignment Starting date – March 20, 2023

Date of submission of products for review April 10, 2023


  1. Outstanding; top-notch videography skills matched with photography expertise;
  2. Outstanding video, audio, and photo editing skills;
  3. A proven track record (samples of previous similar assignments need to be presented) specifically on documenting project success stories;
  4. Experience with documenting international development work.

The technical proposal should include the following:

  • Organization Profile (max 1 page) explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  • Relevant Experience (max 1 page);
  • Detailed methodology framework with expected deliverables, timelines, man-days, and financial resources required (3-5 pages) for **PHASE I (**March-April 2023) ONLY;
  • Recent CV’s for the team;
  • Company Registration and PIN certificates;
  • 3 testimonials from 3 organizations for which the service provider executed a similar assignment.

The financial proposal should include the following:

  • Fixed professional fee for the assignment including preparation, fieldwork (photography & videography), data analysis, writing process, final editing, and reporting **PHASE I (**March-April 2023) ONLY;
  • Government taxes;
  • Fixers;
  • Permits;
  • Translators;
  • Other related costs.

NOTE: The service provider is responsible for his/her own equipment (e.g. cameras, laptops), including the proper insurance of such items and software.


In consideration of the fees paid, the videographer expressly assigns to Solidaridad any copyright arising from the works the videographer produces while executing this contract. Solidaridad herewith has non-exclusive world rights to selected images in all media (so including non-Solidaridad media) in perpetuity. Solidaridad will not use the images for other purposes than promoting Solidaridad (in the widest sense of the word).

In printed materials with a colophon, Solidaridad will credit the photographers. In external media, photographers can be credited with a combination of the name of Solidaridad with the name of the photographer, so: © Solidaridad/John Doe.

In digital media, posters, and banners photographers are usually not credited.

All images (whether used for online or print purposes) must include the videographer’s name in the metadata. The videographer may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from Solidaridad.

How to apply


Send your application to [email protected] on or before March 21, 2023 at 5:00 pm (EAT) with the subject as “PRODUCTION OF AUDIOVISUAL CONTENT – VIDEOS/PHOTOS – FOR SOLIDARIDAD EAST AND CENTRAL AFRICA-SYNGENTA PARTNERSHIP ACTIVITIES IN KENYA”.

Note: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification and only the successful candidate will be contacted.

Deadline: 21 Mar 2023