Call for consultancy-Facilities & Office Infrastructure Assessment

  • Contract
  • Nairobi Kenya
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Salary: TBD

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

Médecins Sans Frontières


Facilities & Office Infrastructure Assessment Consultancy

  1. Background

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical humanitarian action-driven organization, which offers assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict, without discrimination and irrespective of race, religion, creed or political affiliation. 26 associations, 23 sections, and 16 branch offices make-up the international movement and work in partnership around 6 operational entities.

MSF Eastern Africa came into being in 2021, growing out of the Nairobi Branch Office (MSF Spain). The section is the regional institutional office for MSF in Eastern Africa and focuses on representation and networking, including with humanitarian organizations and authorities, recruiting and supporting staff from the region,

communications and fundraising, as well as on other dossiers of importance to MSF such as Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI), mutualization, trainings, medical operational support and environmental health. MSF EA has identified key transversal areas of focus in its two-year strategic plan 2022-2023. This will enable the Section to grow and provide strategic support to the operations while building its capacity for future operational ambitions. You can learn more about MSF on our website or via our digital channels – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

  1. Project Overview

MSF Eastern Africa seeks to develop an operational center effectively running direct program in the course of 2024. In addition to its own activities, MSF Eastern Africa Hosts staff from various MSF entities in the movement and provides support to Operations through various initiatives. We have been operating out of lease agreements for over 10 years now. In recent years, we have experienced significant growth and have outgrown our current facilities. A few times we’ve had to relocate with the hope of finding solutions. At the moment, we are leasing several additional spaces in the building to accommodate our growing workforce, but this is becoming increasingly expensive and probably unsustainable. Several other MSF entities have elected to consider other locations for their offices because of space challenges. It would also be better for our informal exchange to be together in one joined up space rather than spread across various floors as we currently are.

Given these challenges, we are considering whether to relocate our operations to a new building, acquire a larger facility or construct one with our specifications. We believe that such a move would not only address our current capacity constraints but also provide an opportunity to optimize our operations, host more MSF entities to ensure close collaboration and most effective mutualization, become a regional hub with CoE facilities, and reduce our overall costs.

To help us make this decision, we are seeking the services of a Subject Matter Expert/Consultant. This person will be responsible for assessing our current facilities, analyzing the costs and benefits of relocation, identifying potential new buildings or locations, and providing recommendations on the best course of action. We believe that this project will be critical to our long-term success and look forward to working with a qualified consultant to achieve our objectives.

  1. Project Objectives

The main objectives of this consulting project are to:

  1. Assess MSF EA short-term and long-term needs and requirements for our facilities
  2. Assess possibilities with other MSF entities based in Nairobi
  3. Assess and develop possible solutions/alternatives.
    1. Identify possible solutions and assess their feasibility. e.g stay in the current building with adjustment, renting or buying our own premises, relocation to a new rented space and building our own infrastructures.
    2. Analyze the costs and benefits of different options and provide recommendations on the most cost-effective and efficient solution.
    3. Identify potential new buildings or locations that would meet the needs of MSF EA and/or other entities who wish to join the project and provide a detailed analysis of each option.
    4. Provide a comprehensive report outlining the findings of the assessment and recommendations for next steps. The report shall contain the problem definition, requirements, alternatives, schedule, risks, logistics and budget required to obtain suitable office facilities.

Through this project, we hope to gain a clear understanding of the best course of action for MSF and to make an informed decision. We believe that this will help us optimize our operations, reduce our costs, and improve our overall efficiency. We are committed to achieving these objectives and look forward to working with a qualified consultant to achieve our goals.

  1. Scope of Work

The Consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Identify/meet/engage the stakeholders forming the steering committee and identify focal point to support the study (MSF EA, Hosted units, Technical support, Managing Section, Operational sections, missions in Kenya …).
  2. Assess the current facilities, including a review of the physical space, layout, and functionality
    1. Understand strategic needs (working space, meeting rooms, breakout areas, parking, storage and IT infrastructure), develop growth scenarios and estimate the headcounts on long term basis (5-10 years).
    2. Establish specifications defining the geographical area to be explored, the functional requirement and the minimum surface to be sought during visits.
    3. Study the context: urbanistic, administrative and regulatory, legislation, real estate market technic and any other element relevant to the project.
  3. Analyze the costs and benefits of relocating or acquiring a new building, including an assessment of the financial implications of each option.
  4. Identify potential new buildings or locations that meet the needs of MSF EA, considering factors such as proximity to areas of interest, transportation infrastructure, and local zoning regulations.
  5. Provide a detailed analysis of each option, including a comparison of costs, benefits, and potential risks.
  6. Develop a set of recommendations for the best course of action, considering the objectives of the project, the budget, and the timeline.
  7. Present the findings of the assessment and recommendations to the executive team of MSF EA in a clear and concise manner.

The Consultant should also consider any additional factors that may impact the project, such as environmental concerns, accessibility requirements, and the needs of employees.

The project should be completed within a timeline of six months, with regular progress updates provided to MSF EA. The Consultant should also work closely with MSF steering committee to ensure that all requirements and objectives are met. Any potential risks or obstacles should be reported to MSF EA in a timely manner, and solutions should be proposed as necessary.

The final deliverable will be a comprehensive report summarizing the findings of the assessment, the recommendations for the best course of action (both short-term and long-term), and a detailed breakdown of the costs and benefits of each option. There should be a clear roadmap for implementing the recommendations proposed with a cost breakdown thereof. The report should be presented to MSF EA in a professional and visually appealing format.

  1. Timeline

Week 1-2: Project kickoff and onboarding

  • Meet with MSF EA to review the project objectives, requirements and identify the stakeholders.
  • Develop project plan and timeline.
  • Establish communication protocols and reporting structure.
  • Deliverable: Project charter/Inception report.

Week 3-5 : Facility Assessment

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of the current facilities (MSF), including a review of the physical space, layout, and functionality.
  • Identify any challenges or issues with the current facilities.
  • Quantify short-term, medium-term and long-term needs.
  • Deliverable: Facility Assessment Report

Week 6-10: Analysis of Options

  • Identify and analyze options
  • Analyze the costs and benefits of each option in the short-term, medium-term and long-term.
  • Identify potential new buildings or locations that meet the needs of MSF EA and/or other entities
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of each option
  • Deliverable: Options Analysis Report

Week 11-12: Recommendations and Next Steps

  • Develop a set of recommendations for the best course of action, considering the objectives of the project, the budget, and the timeline
  • Present the findings of the assessment and recommendations to the committee.
  • Deliverable: Recommendations Report

Week 13-14: Finalize Report

  • Finalize the comprehensive report summarizing the findings of the assessment, the recommendations for the best course of action, and a detailed breakdown of the costs and benefits of each option
  • Review and incorporate feedback from MSF EA.
  • Deliverable: Draft report

Week 15-16: Project Closeout

  • Deliver the final report to MSF EA.
  • Conduct a project debrief with MSF EA to review the project outcomes and identify any lessons learned.
  • Finalize all project documentation.

The timeline assumes that the Consultant will work full-time on this project, and that there are no major delays or unforeseen issues. The timeline may need to be adjusted based on the specific requirements and constraints of the project.

  1. Success Criteria

The success of this consulting project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Completion of all project objectives within the timeline and budget constraints.
  2. Quality of the final report, including the clarity of the findings and recommendations, the accuracy of the data and analysis, and the overall presentation of the report.
  3. Effectiveness of the recommendations in meeting the objectives of the project and addressing the challenges identified in the facility assessment.
  4. Satisfaction of MSF EA and the steering committee with the Consultant’s performance and communication throughout the project.

To evaluate the success of the project, MSF EA will conduct a post-project evaluation, which will include a review of the final report and a debrief with the Consultant. Feedback from key stakeholders, such as the management team, steering committee, EAA board and other employees involved in the project, will also be taken into consideration.

The Consultant is expected to work closely with MSF EA throughout the project to ensure that all objectives and requirements are met. Regular progress updates and communication with MSF EA will be critical to the success of the project.

If the final report does not meet the expectations of MSF EA, the Consultant will work with MSF EA to identify any issues and develop a plan for addressing them. Any additional work required to address these issues will be done at no additional cost to MSF EA.

  1. Key Deliverables

The following deliverables will be provided to MSF EA as part of this consulting project:

  1. Project charter/Inception Report: A detailed document outlining the project objectives, scope, timeline (project plan), deliverables, assumptions and the stakeholders of the project.
  2. Facility Assessment Report: A comprehensive report summarizing the findings of the assessment of the current facilities, including a review of the physical space, layout, and functionality, as well as any challenges or issues identified.
  3. Options Analysis Report: A report outlining the costs and benefits of all options, and a comparative analysis of potential new buildings or locations that meet the needs of MSF EA.
  4. Recommendations Report: A report summarizing the best course of action, considering the objectives of the project, the budget, and the timeline.
  5. Final Report: A comprehensive report summarizing the findings of the assessment, the recommendations for the best course of action, and a detailed breakdown of the costs and benefits of each option.

All deliverables will be provided to MSF EA in digital format (PDF) and in hard copy. All reports will be delivered to MSF EA within the timeline outlined in the project plan.

The Consultant will work closely with MSF EA throughout the project to ensure that all deliverables meet the requirements and expectations of MSF EA. Any necessary revisions to the deliverables will be made at no additional cost to MSF EA.

  1. Qualifications and Experience of the Key Expert

The Consultant for this project should have the following qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as engineering, architecture, interior design, or facilities management.
  • At least 10 years of experience in facilities management or related field, with a proven track record of managing complex facility projects.
  • Strong analytical skills and experience with data collection and analysis, with the ability to synthesize and present complex information in a clear and concise manner.
  • Experience in project and change management.
  • Excellent project management skills, including the ability to manage multiple tasks and stakeholders, prioritize effectively, and meet deadlines.
  • Strong communication skills, with the ability to communicate complex information to a variety of stakeholders, including executive leadership, technical staff, and non-technical staff.
  • Knowledge of local and national building codes and regulations.
  • Experience with budget management, including the ability to develop and manage project budgets.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team, with a high level of accountability and attention to detail.
  • MSF experience is an asset.

The Consultant should also have experience working with organizations of similar size and complexity as MSF EA. A list of references from previous clients should be provided with the proposal. The Consultant should be able to demonstrate a track record of success in completing projects on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of the client.

NB: Where a single expert may not be able to cover all the skills areas required for this work, we require that they are able to demonstrate availability of varied expertise for them to call upon whenever required.

  1. Proposal Format

The proposal should include the following information:

  1. Executive Summary: A brief summary of the proposal, including the consultant’s understanding of the project objectives, scope, and timeline, as well as a summary of the consultant’s proposed approach to the project.
  2. Project Approach: A detailed description of the proposed approach to the project, including the methodology, tools, and techniques that will be used to complete the project objectives.
  3. Project Team: A description of the proposed project team, including the project manager and any additional team members who will be involved in the project. The proposal should include a summary of each team member’s qualifications and experience relevant to the project.
  4. Project Schedule: A detailed project schedule, including key milestones and deliverables, and a timeline for completing the project objectives.
  5. Project Budget: A detailed project budget, including all costs associated with completing the project, such as fees, expenses, and any other costs associated with completing the deliverables.
  6. References: A list of at least three references from previous clients, including contact information for each reference.
  7. Work Samples: Examples of previous work that is relevant to the project, including reports or other deliverables that demonstrate the consultant’s ability to complete similar projects.
  8. Evaluation of Proposal and Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of the proposal shall involve Technical and Financial analysis. Bidders will be invited for presentation on their technical proposal and thereafter, the financial analysis shall be considered. The successful bidder based on combined Technical and Financial scores, will be invited for negotiations on cost, scope, and award.

Responses will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Technical Proposal (Total weighting 80)


Score (%)

Methodology and Workplan

  • Understanding the objectives of the assignment Clarity and suitability of the proposed technical approach in line with these Terms of reference (RFP).
  • Consistency of the proposed project plan, work plan, deliverables, timelines, milestones, and outcomes to the methodology.


Firm experience

  • Specific and relevant experience of the firm/agency related to the assignment.
  • Short-listed firms will be required to provide evidence of having undertaken similar assignments in the last 5 years by submitting at least three (3) reference letters or any other method of recommendations.


Team experience

Composition and competencies of the proposed team for engagement.




  1. Terms and Conditions

This document contains proprietary and confidential information. Recipients may use or reproduce the information detailed within this document and any other supporting information only to provide a response to this RFP. No commitment will be made to any agency/consultant unless a contract has been awarded and signed by both parties. We reserve the right to cease this exercise at any time. During the period of this activity, no contact should occur between any members of the supplier’s staff and organizational staff in relation to this exercise other than through the designated contact points as detailed within this RFP

  1. Ethics

Applicants are required to observe our procurement ethical code of conduct which includes but is not limited to observing the highest standard of ethics regarding corruption, collusion, conflict of interest and fraud. If the agency does not observe confidentiality or ethical practices, they shall be disqualified from any future work.

  1. Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality

The information contained within this document or subsequently made available to the consultant is deemed confidential and must not be disclosed without the prior written consent unless required by law.

  1. Independent Proposal

By submitting a financial proposal, the consultant warrants that the prices in the proposal have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, agreement or understanding for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices, with any other potential consultant or with any competitor

  1. Proposal Submission Process

It should be noted that this document relates to RFP only and not a firm commitment to enter into a contractual agreement. In addition, MSF EA will not be held responsible for any costs associated with the production of a response to this RFP

How to apply

Submission of the Proposal

  • All clarifications to be sent by 16th March 2023
  • The proposal should be no more than 20 pages in length, including all appendices and attachments.
  • All proposals and queries should be submitted to [email protected] on or before 20th March 2023 at 1700hrs (East African Time) and marked as follows on the subject line:


  • All quotes should be in USD

Deadline: 20 Mar 2023