Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Purpose and Objectives:
ADPC is an autonomous international organization with a vision to reduce disaster and climate risk impacts on communities and countries in Asia and the Pacific by working with all key stakeholders. Established in 1986 as a technical capacity building center, ADPC has grown and expanded its role to be for scientific, educational, developmental and humanitarian purposes. ADPC employs a wide range of professional expertise typically required for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Resilience (CR) in an effective manner.
ADPC develops and implements cross-sectoral projects/programs on the strategic themes of risk governance, urban resilience, climate resilience, health risk management, preparedness for response and resilient recovery. Our strategic themes are complemented and underpinned by the cross-cutting themes of gender and diversity, regional and transboundary cooperation as well as poverty and livelihoods.
Through its work, ADPC supports the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the agenda defined at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, and other relevant international frameworks For details, please refer to ADPC website at http://www.adpc.net/
The Geospatial Information (GEO) Department supports stakeholders to increase their uses of geospatial technology, data, and information for supporting decision making related to disaster risk management and climate resilience. The department supports all thematic areas of focus of ADPC to achieve their goals, mainly through:
• Increased accessibility and technical capacity to develop, maintain, and use geospatial information including disaster and climate risk maps, forecasted and real-time disaster data for early warning, and damage data for post-disaster assessment and recovery planning,
• Increased awareness by decision makers on applications of geospatial information in disaster risk management and climate resilience decision making, and
• Geospatial solutions, such as maps, tools, models, and data, customized to the demands of stakeholders ADPC anticipates a second phase of the SERVIR-Mekong project, a joint development initiative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and ADPC. SERVIR-Mekong, initiated in 2014, has used geospatial data and tools to enhance climate change adaptation and help address the regional challenge of managing shared natural resources.
The SERVIR-Mekong web site (https://servir.adpc.net/) has served as one of the important channels for informing the public of news stories, scientific articles, success stories, as well as for sharing geospatial data and tools developed under the project.
ADPC is seeking a qualified geospatial web developer, either a firm or individual consultant.
The objectives of this consultancy service are to:
• Re-design the SERVIR-Mekong web site, deploy it for public access,
• handing over to ADPC, and document the development for sustaining the web site.
Expected Outputs:
The following outputs are expected from the assignment:
1. A new microsite for SERVIR-Mekong
2. Related documentations
Scope of Work:
The Consultant (firm or individual) will migrate the existing SERVIR-Mekong web site from an Amazon Web Service account of the current developer to a new AWS account of ADPC, and provide necessary maintenance on the web site to ensure:
• an overall application availability of 99% or higher,
• proper visualization with interactive maps and charts,
• weekly complete application server back-up via AWS volume snapshots,
• daily full database back-up, and
• regular operating system updates including security updates until the migration of the web site is completed by the Consultant.
The Consultant will construct a layout, graphical design, and the web site of the new SERVIR- Mekong microsite. The Consultant will follow closely the requirements provided by the ADPC team and propose a basic mock-up with the required features for the team to review as part of the evaluation process. The web site will be designed with a suitable content layout and with an imbedded geoportal for users to access GIS data sets.
The development of the web site will provide Content Management System (CMS) functionalities (Ex. Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, or Plone) to allow for maintenance and modifications by ADPC in the future. Responsive HTML5 layout designing may be required at a later stage after the initial functionality has been designed and finalized on the live site. It will also link to selected external websites with automatic content update.
The Consultant will stay in regular communication with the ADPC team, to develop a user- friendly and innovative website which meets the needs of the website user.
The following should be considered as requirements for the site build-out:
• An engaging and well-designed homepage, providing navigation, branding, promotion of certain content items (including animated slideshow-type promotional blocks), dynamically generated presentation of key items from content collections, static content, links to provide user login, and other content.
• Integration of an open source standard geoportal that links to a predefined geoserver. Such portals could include GeoNode, GeoNetwork, or ArcGIS open data. The portal back-end development is not part of this scope of work.
• Secondary content pages, attractively designed, providing content including: Interfaces or blocks allowing the browsing or display of content items dynamically drawn from collections; static content; functions for the input of data, content, or information by users; navigation to pages and content within and outside of the site; videos or other multimedia embedded from known multimedia sites such as YouTube, Flicker, or Vimeo; and other types of content.
• Provide the capacity and impact visualization page with interactive map and charts, which the data can be import/export by ADPC staffs.
• Website to be easily integrated with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking platforms.
• Site content search functionality. Site should include a site search function to help users find content.
• Search engine optimization. Content should be optimized to increase visibility in search engine results.
• An administrative interface that allows site administrators and lower-permission users to log in and perform content entry and editing, creation of new pages, content, and navigation items, and creation and administration of the items in the resource library. Permissions will be configured to allow some users with higher and other users with lesser administrative and content-editing rights.
• A document management system for the ability to maintain multiple “content collections,” such as those that are enabled by “Content Types”. Site functionality will allow these collections to be stored, displayed, and administered in multiple ways and locations on the site, based on specified criteria. (For example, one page could offer a paginated interface allowing browsing of all items in the “Document” collection, whereas another page might have a block also drawing from the Documents collection, but displaying only the ten newest items posted to the site.)
• Examples of the content collections that will be required on this site will include the following (The various content collections, and the fields within them, are fully defined in the requirements document):
1. A collection of “Documents,” which will allow the site to offer a flexible, well- categorized document library.
2. A collection of “News” items, containing illustrated articles or bulletins.
3. A collection of “Event” items, which will allow the site to offer a calendar of upcoming and past events.
4. Additional content collections as described in the requirements document.
• In addition to the ability to enter content items individually, the site must also be able to facilitate the automated bulk import of large amounts of items into the collection, for instance, to import many documents into the library when the site is first created. This will probably be done by means of a .CSV file or other standard format specifying the metadata and filenames of the collection of the files to bulk upload. The chosen vendor will assist in this migration procedure and in other issues surrounding migration of content to the new site.
• Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Plone, or other very widely used Content Management System in order to take advantage of a global developer-base, security patches, specialized extensions, back-end translations, front-end translation manager, etc.
• Site design and functionality must adhere to the branding requirements of USAID. These requirements (which include such items as correct logo placement and logo versions are found here: http://www.usaid.gov/branding/gsm
• Carry out network, application, database, and back-end configuration:
1. The vendor will carry out any necessary configuration of servers, hosts, DNS, SQL or other database, application, Apache, and other back-end elements as required in order to develop, migrate, and launch the site securely and with strong performance.
2. It is probable that the hosting/server for the site will be on a commercial hosting service, purchased by ADPC, which offers control panels as well as command-line access to administer host, DNS, subdomains, and so forth.
3. It is acceptable that the website’s development takes place on servers owned by the vendor, and prior to launch, the site is migrated to the chosen permanent server/host according to the project timeline.
• Provide project tracking, training and documentation in the administration and user of the website:
1. The vendor will make the current version of the site under development visible to the client, to allow feedback and guidance and corrections to content or function. The vendor will maintain daily contact with the client’s project managers about the progress of development, to communicate needed inputs or feedback, to receive guidance or improvements to existing development version, etc.
2. The vendor will be in daily communication with the client to provide briefing on progress, inputs, needed feedback, etc.
3. Upon completion of development, the vendor will provide a live training in the basic use and administration of the website developed.
4. Upon completion, the vendor will provide written documentation, specifying (1) the basic steps and procedures to administer and maintain the website, and (2) the basic technical specifications of the site for use by any future vendor that may need to work on the site, including the versions of the application platform and needed modules or additional software, identification of the locations of customized code, etc.
Working Principles: The consultant will report to the ADPC Information Technology Manager. The Consultant contract will be managed by the Geospatial Information Department of ADPC.
The Consultant is expected to possess the following qualifications.
• At least 5 years of professional experience in GIS web development
• Familiarity and ability to build web mapping using multiple web frameworks
• Demonstrated experience in user interface and user experience design of web sites
• Proficiency in Python, JavaScript, HTML, jQuery, Ajax, Angularjs and CSS
• Familiarity with an open source server for sharing geospatial data
• Creative skills in designing and understanding of both typography and color theory
• Familiarity with Google cloud storage and computing technologies
• Professional experience in the Lower Mekong region desired
Duty Station:
Starting on 15 November 2022, the duration of this assignment will be 3 months
How to apply
Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their interest by emailing [email protected]. Please include your name, contact information, and general company profile details.
*Closing date: 19-Oct-22