Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion
Labour Market Assessment (LMA) and livelihood counselling.
Date: 11/09/2022
1.1 About Handicap International (HI) “Humanity & Inclusion”
Handicap International is running its projects under the new name of Humanity & Inclusion (HI). Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and by vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity. HI is an international, independent and impartial non-profit organization that intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, HI acts and takes notice, to meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. HI is currently implementing projects in more than 50 countries worldwide.
1.2 About Humanity & Inclusion in Egypt
Handicap International (HI) registered in Egypt with the Ministry of Social Solidarity in 2013. Since then, HI has been implementing various programs to promote access to inclusive and adapted services for Persons with Disabilities & vulnerable groups.
2.1 Presentation of the project within which the consultancy will take place.
HI and Caritas Egypt (the local implementing partner) have decided to collaborate within the framework of the project entitled “Response to the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on extremely vulnerable households: Basic needs, Mental Health and Psycho-social Support (MHPSS), Economic recovery and resilience, Gender equality – Egypt”; funded by EU. The objective of the project is to “Ensure that extremely vulnerable households in Greater Cairo are able to cope with or recover from the COVID-19 socio-economic consequences, with meaningful participation of women”.
One component of the project will target 2000 extreme vulnerable households, whose livelihood has been affected and has not recovered yet: 1) from the consequences that COVID-19 crisis had or still has on the labor market; and/or 2) from the economic downturn and commodity inflation crisis that is unfolding globally and impacting Egypt. The project expects to support households with the following profile: limited skills and assets (limited human capital, physical, financial and a social capital); main source of income being daily labor opportunities or unstable jobs; mostly engaging with the informal economy; former breadwinners lost who are unemployed or underemployed compared to pre-COVID-19 crisis. The project aims to support these households to rethink their livelihood strategies and adapt ways they earn income to the current and expected labor market situation. Their breadwinners need information on the labour market trends and counselling to identify new vocational opportunities in line with their skills and potentials. At the same time the project seeks to encourage women employment, in particular from supporting inactive women to engage in work.
2.2 Problems to be solved under the consultancy.
While studies on the impact of COVID-19 on the Egyptian economy exist, there is a lack of information on how the labour market has been affected in the project target areas (Omranya, Bolaq, Kafr EISisi- Matarya and Ezbet ElHagana), how this has impacted the livelihoods of vulnerable households, how the situation is expected to evolve (offer and demand), also in the light of the global downturn that is expected in the near future. To provide effective vocational counselling to the target beneficiaries, the project needs to know what sectors are recovering more rapidly and/or are expected to grow in the near future, what sectors risks to be impacted by the global downturn and commodity inflation crisis. All this from the perspective of the local economy and markets that creates jobs and economic opportunities accessible by women and men from vulnerable households.
To overcome this information gap, HI is looking for a qualified consultancy company to conduct the Labour Market Assessment (LMA) in the project’s targeted areas and to capacitate the Caritas project team.
3.1 The Objective of the Assignment
The consultancy has two objectives.
Objective 1: Provide HI and Caritas with the information and analysis of current and future livelihoods opportunities for the project’s target group based on a Labour and Market Assessment in Omranya, Bolaq, Kafr EISisi- Matarya and Ezbet ElHagana, in order to inform the project response.
Objective 2: Strengthen the capacity of Caritas to provide counselling to target vulnerable households to rethink their livelihood strategies and adapt ways they earn income to the current and expected labor market situation.
Specifically, The Labour and Market Assessment is expected to:
A) Understand:
A.1. The local market environment, how it has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis and how it might evolve (offer and demand), taking into account of the expected global economic downturn. This includes understanding of businesses (employers) and different sectors current challenges and opportunities;
A.2. Ways in which vulnerable households earn an income, how it was affected by the COVID-19 crisis, which changes they have made or plan in their livelihoods strategy to face the current crisis. This includes an analysis of the main sources of income for the population per type of income (employment, daily workers, IGA, etc.), per socio-economic profile and education/skills level) and per sector. This includes the current barriers to access income opportunities for women.
B) Identify:
B.1Local market sectors (local economy) that are providing and/or are expected to create (inn the very near future) jobs and economic opportunities potentially accessible by women and men with the typical profile of the project’s target population. 2.1. The main skills needed to access these opportunities as well as potential barriers, in particular those that might affect women.
B.2. The current existing services or programs in support to livelihoods from the civil society, NGOs but also from the private and public sectors, that are provided in the projects’ target areas or within reach.
B.3 Good practices and lessons learned from actors that have supported vulnerable households’ livelihoods to recover from the COVID-19 crisis.
The LMA should not come with general findings and outputs. It’s findings should be relevant to the project context and activities and inform the design of the vocational personalized support plans of the targeted beneficiaries that supports them to redefine their livelihood goals and strategies.
The LMA must adopt a gender lens.
Specifically, the xxx is expected to:
3.2 The services required:
1) Carry out a Labour and Market Assessment in Omranya, Bolaq, Kafr EISisi- Matarya and Ezbet ElHagana. The LMA will take a qualitative approach and will therefore not require the collection of quantitative data (survey). However, it will require:
· Desk review and consultations (secondary data): the consultant will review relevant existing resources as well as consult with livelihoods actors (authorities, INGOs, NGOs, etc.) operating in Greater Cairo and specifically in the project’s target areas.
·Primary data collection from market actors and from vulnerable households part of the project’s target group.
2)Develop the technical framework (methodology, tools, KPIs) to:
·assess vulnerable households’ livelihood strategies, pre and post crisis;
·support household to re-think about their livelihood strategies;
· support target household’s members who lost employment because of the crisis to carry out personalized SWOT analysis in relation to the LMA findings, and:
· to provide them with vocational counselling in relation to the jobs opportunities identified through the LMA.
3) To train and coach HI and Caritas staff on the use of the technical framework developed.
The technical framework within which to conduct the consultancy
The consultant will develop the methodology to be applied. However, the following key elements must guide its development:
For the LMA:
·The consultant will develop the methodology for primary data collection and its work plan in close coordination with HI; HI must approve them before implementation.
· The consultant should use a mix of key informant interviews, focus group discussions and market observations in order to answer the questions of the LMA.
·The primary data collection will engage a sample of the project target households; HI expects to have already identified a sufficient number of eligible households by the time the primary data collection is ready to begin. In case of unexpected delays in the household identification and sampling process, the data collection will be postponed and the timeframe of the consultancy will be adapted accordingly.
· All data, collected through the assessment must be disaggregated by location, age and sex.
For the development of the technical framework to be used for the assessment and counselling to households’ livelihood:
·The consultant should adopt the Sustainable Livelihood Framework;
·The methodology and tools need to enable the active participation of households members;
·The LMA findings needs to be mainstreamed in the technical framework;
·The technical framework needs to be approved by HI before proceeding to training HI and Caritas staff.
·The minimum days of coaching, following the training, should be 3.
Target Area:
Greater Cairo (Omranya, Bolaq, Kafr EISisi- Matarya and Ezbet ElHagana).
The deliverables expected from the consultant include the following:
1.A brief inception report (maximum 5 pages), which explains the consultant’s understanding of the work and context, the methodology for secondary data review (desk review, consultations) and proposed structure for the final report.
2.After the desk review and consultations, a short preliminary findings brief, reflecting the expected results of the LMA, with the list of the actors consulted.
3The proposed detailed methodology for primary data collection, including its proposed sampling, interview and FGDs tools and work plan.
4.After the primary data collection and analysis, a short preliminary findings brief, reflecting the expected results of the LMA, that will be validated before the development of the final report (maximum 5 pages);
5.A first draft final report which clearly presents the findings and respond to the expected results of the LMA.
6.A final LMA report taking into account the feedback provided by HI with the different tools and processes used for this study.
Assessment and counselling to households’ livelihood:
7.Technical framework (methodology, tools and KPIs) as described in 3.2.
8.A brief final report (max 5 pages) explaining the results of the training and coaching provided to Caritas and HI, remaining gaps (identifying specific point of attentions per trainee) and recommendations for the project.
The service (including all mentioned deliverables in section 5) is expected to be delivered between November 2022 and January 2023, within a level of effort corresponding to maximum 40 working days (full time equivalent). At least 20 working days are expected to be devoted to consultations, primary data collection and analysis.
The detailed work plan and timeline will be proposed by the consultant in its technical proposal and then finalized at inception.
This consultancy service is expected to be delivered by consultancy firm.
The consultants should have the following qualifications:
-Academic qualification in marketing, economic development, humanitarian studies or any other relevant field. Master’s degree and above is a plus.
-At least 10 years of experience of working in the sector of livelihood and economic empowerment, especially in areas related to labour market and building economic resilience.
– At least 10 years of experience of working in the sector of livelihood and economic empowerment in Egypt.
– Relevant experience of working with NGOs/INGOs, Human rights organizations and/or civil society organizations.
– Solid and broad knowledge of data collection and analysis techniques, and research methodology.
– Previous demonstrated experience in conducting LMA and assessments and studies in the livelihood sector as well as delivering robust deliverables of these assessments or studies.
– Good reporting, writing, and communication skills, with specific reference to analytical reports and studies.
– Proficiency in English. Arabic is an asset. (The final report shall be written in English).
– Excellent interpersonal skills, the ability to engage and communicate at BNFs level.
Candidates should submit the following information with their application:
1.Technical proposal:
This information assists us in judging your suitability for the requested service. You are required to submit the following documents:
– A brief explanation of the consultants’ understanding of the objectives and the service required.
-The propose implementation methodology for all the service requested (without the tools for primary data collection; these will be developed at the inception).
– A tentative timeline for implementing the consultancy with clear details concerning the work to be executed, and specifying interim deliverables.
-Consultancy team description: composition, leadership and curriculum of all members.
– An example of similar works produced by the consultancy team or consultancy lead (added value is for valid hyperlinks to online adopted published works) that is relevant to the required consultancy service.
-Work references – contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees (clients for whom you’ve produced similar assignments)
2. Detailed Financial proposal:
– The financial proposal should be submitted in EGP (using the BOQ template, Annex 1)
– Complete applications should be sent to:
– Applications should indicate as subject: Business Skills Training
– Deadline for submission of applications: : 10th October 2022
– Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
-Selected applicants will be invited for interview.
– we encourage submissions of companies and groups have diversity of profiles.
“Humanity & inclusion is committed to protect the rights of the children and opposes to all forms of child exploitation and child abuse. HI contractors must commit to protect children against exploitation and abuse”.
Offers will be assessed first on their technical merit using the evaluation criteria below. Only technical scores of at least 70 points will qualify for the financial review. The financial offer weight is 30% from the total weight while the technical offer is 70% of the total weight. The technical offers will be scored out of 70 according to the following criteria:
– Implementation Methodology and Work Plan 40%
– Academic Qualifications 15%
– Related work experience of the consultant 20%
– Previous similar works 20%
-Team composition and distribution of roles 5%
-Value for money: HI will pay the lowest price for equivalent service
The deadline for the submission of applications is 10th October 2022, Shortlisted consultancy firms will be subsequently requested to submit/present their detailed methodology. For the successful applicant, the submitted methodology will act as the agreement between parties as to how the assignment will be conducted.
Proposals should be submitted by mail on [email protected] with the subject of “Labour Market Assessment”
No. of Units
Unit Cost (EGP)
Total Cost (EGP)
Conducting a Labor Market Assessment (LMA) to assess the broader market environment, the vulnerable household’s livelihood strategies and how it has been affected by COVID-19, the adopted coping mechanisms and the foreseen opportunities.
**PREFERED PAYMENT METHOD (**Cheque, Transfer)
– All costs above must be in EGP.
– Payment method:
– The successful applicant is required to submit an invoice with the contracting amount.
Name and signature of the applicant
How to apply
Proposals should be submitted by mail on [email protected] with the subject of “Labour Market Assessment”